Display Array of Data with Paging

indradhi n m

I found this artifac in my codeigniter helper hehe..
I used it to display array of data per page with these parameter :
1. $data = array of data
2. $currentpage = page you want to display
3. $rowperpage = number of data to display per page
4. $rowcount = number of data in $data (actually you can count it with count($data) šŸ˜€ silly me)

I hope this help someone although it need some adjustment


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Jquery Post Input Array PHP

jquery get value input array

G3n1k's Blog

you have form html with array input, and you want to save it with jquery post (ajax)


the html code looks like


with jquery you need get value from array input which checked and with ask class, use ā€¦

input-array-get-valueyou need var object data

at last, change the object or array value to json string, so you can send it with POST method


and test in receiver file (simpan.php) you must decode the json string


test with var_dump

dump-json-arraycomplete html code

complete php code

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